Founded in 2001, McClain Value Management is an independent investment adviser registered in the state of Connecticut specializing in long-term, concentrated fundamental value investing.
Phillip C. McClain

Managing Partner, Portfolio Manager, CFA
29 Years in Investment Management
McClain Value Management
Sasco Capital
Forstmann-Leff Associates
4 Years in Investment Banking
Stamford-Atlanta Capital
Wertheim Schroder
3 Years in Accounting
Arthur Andersen & Co (CPA)
Johnson Graduate School of Management,
Cornell University
London Business School Exchange Program
Salomon Brothers Intern
BS Lehigh University
Stamford CFA Society, Member

Why Choose Us
We follow a long-term value approach to investing and seek to capitalize on investor impatience by buying out-of-favor, high quality assets trading at depressed prices, and allowing time for the strategy to play out. We invest primarily in stocks that are either undergoing change or offer attractive free cash flow.
Our belief that MVM clients will be well served in the future rests on the following:
Our focus on out-of-favor, less-researched and often complex stocks provides opportunities that others overlook
Our skills and backgrounds are well suited for the research critical to assessing such complexities.
Longer-term view – focusing on how a company can evolve over several years helps “tune out” the short-term noise that often compromises good investment decisions.
Differentiated management insights – because of our bias for less popular stocks, we face less competition for management access. In turn, our long-term investment mindset and comprehensive research approach often lead managements to view MVM as having aligned interests. We find this gives rise to more thoughtfulness and candor, deepening our understanding and leading to better investment decisions.
Patience – we wait to buy until our valuation and research coalesce. Our comfort with holding cash in lieu of sufficient conviction mitigates the emotion to “do something.”
Conviction thru investing alongside our clients – “if it’s not good enough for us, it likely won’t be good enough for our clients.”

Boutique Contrarian Value Manager

Two concentrated equity strategies